DirectPoll uses Websocket technology which your current browser doesn't seem to support.

Please consider using a browser that support this technology, so you can use DirectPoll:

Network issue, WebSocket connection cannot be established
WebSocket connection closed
  • Show previous question
  • Show next question


  • Votes:
    Mark as correct
  • Select "Restrict this poll" if you want to allow voting only for voters that have a valid authorization token. Once you have saved your poll, you will be able to download a list of authorization tokens. Distribute these tokens to the authorized voters (one token for each voter) before you start the poll.

Enter your e-mail to save your poll and receive the administration links
Save Poll
Your poll expires in days


The administration links to your poll will be shown as soon as it is saved for the first time.
Advanced Links
Start with first or step to next question and show result
Pause or resume poll and show result
Stop poll and show QR-Code
Step to a specific question and show result
Result of a specific question
Send the administration links.


Your poll has been successfully saved!

Control your poll with these commands:


starts the poll

OK, take me to my poll

Control your poll with these commands:

OK, take me back to my poll

Unfortunately the creation of your short-URL failed. Please try again in a few minutes.
If the problem persists, contact us on

OK, take me back to my poll

Are you sure you want to delete this poll?

By confirming, this poll will be removed completely from the system.

Yes No

You also have option to delete all polls created with this email account.